QUT write

Becoming a good writer takes time, practice, and perseverance. Few people find writing easy, no matter how often or how much they write. This is because when you write, you are undertaking a complex process. This QUT write resource will guide you through the process and give you the skills and knowledge to develop into a confident writer.

Good academic writing always considers the audience and the topic. A writer should always consider the reader’s role, expectations and purpose for reading. For assessed tasks think about the criteria used to mark your work. Your writing should show you understand the topic and that you can use your knowledge to respond to the task.

Good academic writing is clear, coherent, and credible.

A writer’s meaning should always be clear to the reader. One way to achieve clarity is to effectively use grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. Coherence describes how you link your ideas so they flow from sentence to sentence and between paragraphs. The goal is to be logical as the reader cannot ask questions to check what you mean. Finally, good academic writing is credible. Check you have used the most appropriate research to support your ideas, looked at the issue from relevant perspectives and that you know your topic. If you keep these considerations in mind, you are on the way to producing stronger writing.

Keep reading QUT write for more detailed guidance. If you would like to try some activities to develop your writing and learn more skills to study successfully, go to Study Smart. If you are a QUT student more support is available in the study section of HiQ.