Vancouver Examples - Maps/diagrams etc. - Figure

See this example properly formatted in the QUT Cite tool.


If you are discussing or mentioning the figure in-text, follow the standard examples in Getting started - In-text citation. You may include the page number of the image.


ABS statistics showed that 26.6% of women aged 55-64 had a mental or behavioural condition.11

If you are including a copy of the figure in your assignment, you should give it a figure number, title and caption. Your caption should include an in-text citation, and a description of the image source that will make sense to the reader, e.g. book title, website name, article authors.


Figure #. Title
Reproduced from/Adapted from source#


Figure 3. Differences in the degree of inter-arm asymmetry between prepubescent tennis players and non-active controls.
Figure 3
Reproduced from Sanchis-Moysi et al.6

Reference List

The reference for an image is taken from the place where the image appears. For images from a website, use the Webpage template, for images from an ebook use the Ebook template, and so on. The examples below correspond with the in-text examples above.

Example - figure published in a journal article

  1. Sanchis-Moysi J, Idoate F, Serrano-Sanchez JA, Dorado C, Calbet JAL. (2012) Muscle hypertrophy in prepubescent tennis players: a segmentation MRI study. PLoS One. 7(3):e33622. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033622

Example - image found online

  1. Mental health: mental and behavioural conditions. Australian Bureau of Statistics. December 12, 2018. Accessed June 28, 2020.


AMA11 does not cover situations where you are including an image only for decorative purposes (i.e. you are not mentioning or discussing it in-text). Contact your lecturer for guidance in this situation.

Example figure above reproduced under CC-BY licence.