See this example properly formatted in the QUT Cite tool.
If you are discussing or mentioning the figure in-text, follow the standard examples in Getting started - In-text citation. You may include the page number of the image.
ABS statistics showed that 26.6% of women aged 55-64 had a mental or behavioural condition.11
If you are including a copy of the figure in your assignment, you should give it a figure number, title and caption. Your caption should include an in-text citation, and a description of the image source that will make sense to the reader, e.g. book title, website name, article authors.
Figure #. Title
Reproduced from/Adapted from source#
Figure 3. Differences in the degree of inter-arm asymmetry between prepubescent tennis players and non-active controls.
Reproduced from Sanchis-Moysi et al.6
The reference for an image is taken from the place where the image appears. For images from a website, use the Webpage template, for images from an ebook use the Ebook template, and so on. The examples below correspond with the in-text examples above.
AMA11 does not cover situations where you are including an image only for decorative purposes (i.e. you are not mentioning or discussing it in-text). Contact your lecturer for guidance in this situation.
Example figure above reproduced under CC-BY licence.