Vancouver Examples - Articles - Newspaper

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Standard in-text citation examples are in Getting started - In-text citation.

Reference List

News article published online


Author AA. Title of article. News Outlet Name. Month dd, year. Accessed Month dd, year. URL

  1. Gribbin C. HIV drug PrEP price to be slashed, increasing chances of eliminating virus in Australia. Australian Broadcasting Corporation News. March 21, 2018. Accessed December 18, 2019.

News article published in print


Author AA. Title of article. Newspaper Name. Month dd, year:start page-end page.

  1. Power J. Plan to stop Indigenous blindness. The Melbourne Age. September 9, 2019:16.


The online article template above is used for online versions of print newspapers, online-only news sources and news blogs.

The titles of newspapers are not abbreviated.

A location may be added to the newspaper title if needed for clarity (see Power example above).