See this example properly formatted in the QUT Cite tool.
Footnote Template | Subsequent References Templates |
Treaty Title, Parties' Names, Date Opened for Signature or Signed, Treaty Series (Date of Entry into Force) Pinpoint ('Short Title'). | Short Title (n Footnote Number) Pinpoint. |
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, opened for signature 1 July 1968, 729 UNTS 161 (entered into force 29 June 1982) ('NPT'). | NPT (n 23) art 3. |
Convention on the Rights of the Child, opened for signature 20 November 1989, 1577 UNTS 3 (entered into force 2 September 1990) ('Convention on the Rights of the Child'). | Convention on the Rights of the Child (n 2) art 3(1). |
Agreement Relating to Co-operation on Antitrust Matters, Australia-United States of America, 1369 UNTS 43 (signed and entered into force 29 June 1982) ('Antitrust Agreement'). | Antitrust Agreement (n 7) art 1. |
Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, opened for signature 15 April 1994, 1867 UNTS 3 (entered into force 1 January 1995) annex 1A ('General Agreement on Tariffs and T') art III(4) ('GATT 1994'). | GATT 1994 (n 11) art XI. |
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, signed 4 February 2016, 2016 ATNIF 2 (not yet in force) ('TPP'). | TPP (n 15) art 30.5. |
Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, opened for signature 25 March 1957, 298 UNTS 11 (entered into force 1 January 1958)
See General Rules Part 1: AGLC4 1.1-1.13.
For further details see AGLC4 Chapter 8.
Do not include Party Names if there are more than three signatories.
Treaties can be located on the United Nations Treaty Series webpage.