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The references list:
Brady, Darlene A. and Mark M. English. 2014. "Architectonic colour: Composition, structure and space." Structurist 31 (8): 89-94. EBSCOHost.
Faber, Rima. 2017. "Dance and early childhood cognition: The Isadora Effect." Arts Education Policy Review 118 (3): 172-182.
The Glasgow School of Art. n.d. "Archives and collections."
Goya, Francisco and Philip Hofer. 2006. Great Goya etchings: The proverbs, the tauromaquia, and the bulls of Bordeaux. Dover Publications.
Hrvol Flores, Carol A. 2014. "Owen Jones and the interior decoration of the London Crystal Palace." Journal of the Nineteenth Century 34 (2): 2-7.
May, Bridget. 2008. "Nancy Vincent McClelland (1877-1959): Professionalizing interior decoration in the early twentieth century." Journal of Design History 21 (1): 59-74.
Moran, Janelle, Coral Reeve and Christine Ward. 2010. Etchings indigenous: Black and sexy. Ilura Press.
Morandi, Giorgio, Lou Klepac and Gallery Western Australian Art. 1978. Morandi etchings: Lou Klepac. University of Western Australia Press and Western Australian Art Gallery.
Schupp, Karen. 2017a. "Merging movements: Diverse dance practices in postsecondary education." Arts Education Policy Review 118 (2): 104-115.
Schupp, Karen. 2017b. "The transgressive possibilities of foregrounding somatic values." Research in Dance Education 18 (2): 161-173.
Snook, Barb and Carol Brown. 2017. "Dancing in the gallery: Opening children's eyes and mobilizing their responses to art, reflections on a DART project." International Journal of Education through Art 13 (1): 95-110.
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