APA Examples - Government and corporate documents - Industry report

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Standard in-text citation examples are in Getting started - In-text citation.

Reference List


Author, A. A. (Year, Month DD). Title. Database name.


Allday, A. (2020, March). Call centre operation in Australia (Australia Industry (ANZSIC) Report N7294). Ibisworld.

Passport. (2019, November 28). Cat food in Eastern Europe. Passport.


Industry reports and Financial/Statistical reports are versions of reports which can be difficult to distinguish.

The format for the reference is effectively the same, but use Industry report if it is mainly text based information.

If the report changes frequently, include the full date rather than just the year.

If the report has a number, give that number in parentheses immediately after the title.

Include the database information only if the report is only available from that database.

If not retrieved from a database, use the URL of the report.

For Corporation/Government reports see Government and corporate documents - Corporate/government report.